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Everything you need to know about Logistics Management

What Are Logistics? Definition, Importance, Benefits and Operations Process

Logistics is probably one of the most common business processes in organizations that transport physical goods from origin to destination. Many people confuse it with the supply chain, but it is noteworthy that logistics is an essential component of the supply chain and is not the supply chain itself.


Logistics require the active participation of multiple departments of all the organizations involved and numerous processes to complete the entire fulfillment process. Generally, larger businesses prefer to manage logistics operations by themselves, while smaller organizations tend to partially or fully outsource their logistics to a third party.

Today, we will discuss the basics of logistics and how to be successful regardless of your business size. Let’s get started:

Logistics Explained In Layman's Terms

Put simply, logistics can be defined as the transportation and control of inventory between two storage locations within or outside the organization. Logistics is one of the most crucial links of modern day supply chains. The pressure to swiftly deliver products in densely populated regions while meeting fulfillment deadlines requires stringent planning and processing.

Logistics refers to every aspect involved in transporting goods, including routing, assigning pickup and packing operations, tracking inventory in transit, accepting consignment deliveries and quality control.

It can also include processes such as cross-docking, depending on the business model. However, one should never forget that logistics serves the purpose of transferring the goods under a “value chain.” Hence, one must evaluate logistics with respect to the cumulative value it brings to all stakeholders involved in the process.

Importance Of Logistics In Today's Economy

On the surface, logistics seems to be a simple transfer of raw materials, semi-finished items and finished products among stakeholders which finally extends to the end consumer.

Logistics also includes reverse logistics, which is applicable if the customer isn’t willing to keep the purchased product for any reason and the seller has approved their return request.

However, there’s much more to logistics than a mere exchange of goods – it involves revenue lines, profitability, insights, inter-company and intracompany operations and analytics. Logistics plays a huge role in determining your overall inventory management, and at times, it can also impact your production rates.

Thus it’s necessary to optimize logistics to meet market demands and your overall infrastructural capacity, including procurement. Logistics can also impact customer experience and for ecommerce companies, it can be a major driver for brand loyalty.

Benefits Of Good Logistics Management

From the above sections, it is apparent that streamlined logistics is indeed a good strategy for succeeding in business. However, we need to understand various dynamics before discussing its advantages. Here, we will analyze the benefits of good logistics management from multiple angles to help you understand its importance.

Enhanced Traceability

With streamlined logistics and tech-enabled operations, you can enhance traceability of all products for all internal and external stakeholders. For instance, you can display the order shipping status to your customers on a real-time basis. At the same time, your logistics partner should also be sent instant updates if the customer decides to reschedule or change the delivery location. Hence, enhanced traceability will allow you to implement cost optimization across all verticals and operate in a productivity-focused manner.

Manpower Management

Another major advantage is increased manpower management efficiency since logistics directly impacts material supplies. All human resource planning can be implemented with proper planning, from unloading the received inventory to packing it for shipping. On the other hand, proper logistics also allows for planning your human resource allocation for production and other departments.

Better Customer Experience

You will benefit from an improved CX by leaps and bounds if you have a robust fulfillment infrastructure. Logistics play a huge role in streamlining your production and warehouse management, which impacts go-to-market time. In fact, providing the ability to track shipment status is no longer an option – your customers expect it to be in place by default.

Boost Your Bottom Line

Due to the above-mentioned benefits, you will be able to make calculated decisions that will help boost your bottom line. Systematic risk mitigation and well-planned operations will help you maximize your profitability without compromising on customer experience. The availability of detailed analytics is another reason behind effective cost optimization.

How Logistics Impact Overall Operations

In this section, we will have a look at the various aspects of your company’s operations that overlap with logistics:

Sales Forecasting

The ability to manage the material sourcing and order fulfillment cycles allows you to respond better to seasonal demand fluctuations. Supplier feedback is a valuable input that can help you avoid the bullwhip effect, swings in inventory in response to shifts in consumer demand.


Having an idea of how long your inventory will stay in transit and if there’s an emergency on the transporter’s end will allow you to understand how to proceed with your procurement plans. Also, accurate know-how of lead times enables you to schedule your production budget more efficiently..

In case of any unforeseen delay, you can procure the problem item from an alternative source depending on the pricing and delivery schedule along with other constraints. Thus, procurement is an area where logistics provides you with an advantage in the decision-making process.

Warehouse Management

Warehousing is closely associated with logistics since it acts as an anchor where the goods are stored for extended periods when not in transit. Thus, having a clear idea of when, what, where and how much inventory will arrive or need to be dispatched gives you an advantage at managing your storage facility. Not can your warehousing space be utilized preemptively, but you can also prevent bottlenecks and situations like overstocking and understocking.

Inventory Management

Here comes the most relevant operational area for logistics – inventory management. Inventory management is focused on the entire value chain of goods, from the moment an item is procured to the successful completion of last-mile delivery.

Logistics can also help smooth your inventory turnover ratio, reassigning returning inventory to a center that can sell it faster and reducing the losses caused due to mishandling of goods. Logistics helps control the movement of inventory to keep your cash flow at optimal levels.

Order Fulfillment

Order fulfillment can be considered the customer-facing aspect of logistics and can have an impact on your brand image. Your customers will probably never visit you in person, so receipt of your products is the only point of physical contact. Thus, good logistics are paramount to ensure that your orders are shipped on time and not lost in transit.

Should You Manage Logistics In House or Outsource?

Long story short, logistics isn’t your core business strength. If you’re a small business that doesn’t want to handle logistics due to the complexities involved, partner with a 3PL service provider.

Even large corporations that need logistical support in a new region should consider outsourcing. In some cases, a mix of both models is advisable.

Excellent logistics management can be a business game-changer and we hope this article gives you a helpful overview and results in your ability to fully leverage the benefits.

1PL: 1st Party Logistics

First party logistics or 1PL is when a manufacturer handles logistics in house without any third party collaboration. The goods are transported by the manufacturer directly to the customer without any other third party being involved.

2PL: Second Party Logistics

Second party logistics or 2PL are companies that are responsible for moving their clients’ products via road, ship, railway or air.

Shipping lines that run their operations between different ports across the world can be termed as the best examples of 2PL companies. Other examples include air cargo companies and roadway logistics companies.

2PL companies can either own all of their ships, airplanes, trucks, etc. or they may operate them on a contractual basis.

3PL: 3rd Party Logistics

Third party logistics or 3PL, is one of the most popular logistics arrangements. Companies partner with third-party logistics providers and utilize their services to deliver goods to end consumers.

3PL services included warehouse management, customs clearance and supply chain management. Many 3PL companies offer a wide range of additional logistics services depending on the requirements of their clients.

4PL: 4th Party Logistics

Fourth party logistics or a 4PL, acts as a service provider and expert logistics consultant for their clients. 4PL companies are often called lead logistics providers. This is because they manage the entire supply on behalf of their clients.

A 4PL company offers a wide range of services like data analysis, warehousing and inventory management, transportation of products and raw materials. Through all of these services, their ultimate goal is to make the supply chain as efficient as possible.

Another important role of a 4PL company is to carry out market research for all the needs of their clients, and suggest the most suitable option, even if it’s another logistics company. A 4PL should, above everything else, always be impartial.

What Is Logistics Management and Why Is Logistics Management Important?

To explain logistics management in layman’s terms, logistics management is an important aspect of supply chain management. Logistics management is utilized to meet customer demands allowing for efficient control, planning and implementation. It is also useful for gathering information and distributing goods and services from source point to end-point.

Logistics management includes large and small processes

Logistics management is a complete process that covers different sub-processes. It comprises effective storage, procurement and transportation management.

The purpose of logistics strategy lies in keeping customers happy and satisfied and thereby accomplishing the organization’s goals. Measuring logistics management success can be challenging because it involves many interdependent and vital business functions.

With evolving industry hurdles, properly managed logistics management becomes a top factor for successful company’ operations. Fulfilling customer demand and offering top-class service is the primary goal of the best logistics management.

Now, let’s understand importance of logistics management in an organization

Logistics plays a vital role in different business functions, especially in the management of operations and quality control. Raw materials can be purchased more efficiently and transported and stored until needed. With this strategy, your business can become even more profitable. Coordinating resources to achieve on-time delivery can be a turning point for your business.

Also, logistics helps in maintaining and enhancing the image of your brand. If there are delays in producing and shipping products you may see a direct impact on your brand image.

Let’s see how logistics can benefit your business

Increase customer satisfaction

Customers are always looking for fast and better service. To fulfill this need, shippers have to offer quick service. If you are following a well-planned management process, then you might be able to optimize your transportation processes and minimize delays.

Enhanced customer service will result in an improved company and brand reputation generating more business. Eventually, properly planned and organized logistics management helps in delivering the best customer experience.

Boost supply chain transparency

The main advantage of logistics management is that it gives you more visibility into your entire supply chain to remain updated on what is happening at every point. Take a look at historical data that is made available to you and gain insights into how you can improve operations.

Keep track of your logistics by creating reorder points, leveraging FIFO (Use First-In, First Out Technique), warehouse management and inventory audits. Invest in barcode scanners for inventory management applications.

You can realize significant savings by managing your supply chain and delivering the best service to your customers and potential business partners.

Improve warehouse management

The more efficiently you can manage your logistics, the more efficiently you can manage your warehouse. The type of commodities you store has a massive impact on your warehouse operations. Your logistics strategy should include a warehouse inventory plan to reduce waste by efficiently distributing and tracking perishable commodities such as food. You will have complete visibility if you engage with a third party (3PL) logistics supplier.

Steps for a successful logistics plan:

  • Make sure the proper individuals in your company are aware of supply chain developments.
  • Make effective use of warehouses or distribution center space.
  • Determine adequate supplies in each warehouse or distribution center.
  • Check-in regularly to see if your logistics partnerships are serving you and your customers adequately.
  • Make regular revisions to your strategy for optimization.

Enhance productivity and ensure a smooth delivery process

Raising visibility into your supply chain results in operational efficiencies. For process optimization and to avoid future interruptions, understand data and track movements of items in and out.

Choose a skilled team of specialists for properly arranged logistics to help guarantee quick and safe shipping, warehousing and delivery of products to clients.

Increase revenue

Improve your logistics management to increase your revenue. You can attract more business if your firm gives superior service to your clients. Customers will order more frequently when they receive prompt and accurate service from a firm that follows through on its promises.

Deliver your product at the right time and right place

To produce more business, a supply chain must constantly evolve in response to changing client expectations. Today, customers are more likely to shop on the spur of the moment on smartphones and they are restless to get their orders quickly.

Because of well-organized logistics, businesses can respond to requests on short notice. By hiring an experienced team of professionals, business owners can ensure quick and safe shipping, warehousing and delivery to customers. They may include these services in their offers in a way that adds value while also ensuring that their products reach customers on time.

Types of Logistics Management

Procurement Logistics (Inbound Logistics)

Procurement logistics refers to the flow of raw materials into a production facility or factory. Procurement logistics are also known as inbound logistics, which refers to the inward flow of goods and materials.

Inbound logistics is an extremely important leg of the entire logistics management process. It ensures that raw materials are available whenever required for smooth production. Any glitches in this stage have consequences on the entire supply chain.

Example: A toy company that produces battery operated, remote control action figures for children requires a number of raw materials for production. These raw materials are procured from various sources and brought into the manufacturing plant via different transportation methods. This leg of the supply chain is known as Inbound Logistics.

Production Logistics, Distribution and Material Management

Production logistics is the process of moving raw materials inside the production facility. At this stage, the raw materials have already been procured and stored in the warehouse.

Many companies manufacture products that have long assembly lines. The raw materials required for production are often transported to multiple locations within the factory manually or with the help of automatic and semi-automatic machines. This movement is categorized as production logistics.

Production logistics play a critical role in maintaining the high efficiency of the production process.

Example: Continuing with the example of the toy company, once the raw materials are brought onto the factory premises, they are made available for production. For complex products such as toys, production is divided into various stages like casting, fitting, etc.

Each stage requires different raw materials that have to be delivered to the production area. The casting process requires plastic and dye, while the electronic components are required much later in the process. The movement of all these raw materials inside the production facility is known as Production Logistics.

Sales Logistics (Outbound Logistics)

As the name suggests, sales logistics is the process of moving products out of warehouses and delivering them to customers. This is also sometimes called outbound logistics referring to the outward flow of the finished goods.

In most cases, sales logistics is the last leg of logistics management. Manufacturers often partner with logistics companies and agents to take care of their deliveries. With the rise of ecommerce, sales logistics has become a necessary part of operations for most manufacturers since they cannot afford to fumble shipping and delivery.

Example: Once the toys are ready to be sold, they are shipped to the customers who have ordered them. The products are transported via air, sea, road, railway or a combination of these, depending on the urgency and location. This is known as Sales Logistics.

Reverse Logistics and Product Return

Reverse logistics is the flow of products from the customer back to your warehouse. This happens whenever a customer returns the product and asks for a refund or a replacement.

Today, most ecommerce companies offer free returns and refunds processing. This is one of the biggest recent policy shifts as far as logistics management goes.

Due to tight competition, companies that don’t offer these services often get replaced by ones that do. A recent survey says that 92% of customers are more likely to buy from a company that processes their returns smoothly. The same survey also found that as many as 79% of the participants want their returns to be shipped without costing them a single penny.

All of this naturally means that companies have to manage their reverse logistics efficiently. Not doing so can not only cause logistical problems but can also bring down the customer experience drastically and affect future sales.

Example: If a customer finds a defect in the toy they’ve received from the company, they will ask for a refund or a replacement. The company then recalls the product into their warehouse for further investigation and repairs. This reverse flow of goods from the customer back to the company is known as Reverse Logistics.

The Distribution Network

For consumers, the 21st century can be considered the era when people shifted from in person purchases to online shopping. At the same time, it is noteworthy that logistics management became increasingly more complicated. In fact, the pressure on the supply chains across the world keeps compounding as the number of SKUs, quantity of raw materials and components grows. At the same time, delivery deadlines are consistently shrinking and last mile delivery regions proliferate.

The average online buyer is becoming more interested in receiving their goods on a same-day or next-day basis. This has turned into an operational challenge and thus, understanding logistics management is essential to success in today’s consumer-driven market.

Successful distribution requires ensuring that the people, processes, tools and infrastructure are tuned to the complexities of the entire value chain. Let us try to understand how a distribution network functions and how you should approach it:

What Is A Distribution Network?

The collective of storage facilities and transportation capabilities used for transferring physical goods from one location to another is known as a distribution network.

Distribution networks vary in form and scale depending on the size of the organization or business. Amazon and Apple are likely to have more advanced and intricate distribution networks, transportation and logistics systems.

The end consumer’s product needs, customer experience, product choice and availability and product returns are the most important aspects to consider while establishing the structure of a distribution network.

Logistics And Distribution

Logistics refers to the thorough business planning, operations or procedures that help a company efficiently and successfully supply, transact and transport items and goods.

Some of the more common logistics functions include: bulk payloads, shipping and packing, delivery, temperature control, security, fleet management, order tracking and warehouse inventory. Physical distribution and management with the best distribution and management system is one of the basic principles of logistics.

The Benefits Of Using A Distribution Management System

A distribution management system will eliminate wastage in a variety of ways. A well executed system can significantly reduce spoilage and reduce warehousing costs and expenditures. A strong distribution management system allows you to fulfill as needed rather than store excess products.

Distribution management software will lower shipping costs and speed deliveries to customers as well as simplifying things for all stakeholders. It can simplify your logistics operations and lend more visibility for both your internal and external stakeholders.

Distribution Management Challenges

Distribution issues might develop as a result of a variety of business interruptions. Natural disruptions include severe and widespread weather occurrences, raw material shortages, bad crop years, insect damage, epidemics and pandemics. Riots, demonstrations, wars, strikes and other human disturbances are also possible.

Transportation disruption includes transport vehicle deterioration, maintenance downtime and accidents causing damage. It can also include delayed flights and restrictive transportation compliance requirements as commonly seen in trucking.

Transportation disruption can also be due to economic conditions like recessions, depressions, unexpected decreases or rises in consumer or market demand and currency exchange rate fluctuations.

Overview Of A Distribution Network

One of the most important components of a company’s success is the development of an effective distribution network. It’s a part of strategic planning that allows a firm’s products to reach customers swiftly and effectively while also keeping costs low so that the company may earn higher profit margins.

Depending on the product and where the final customers are located, the supply chain for commodities might entail a large distribution network. A producer may have a distribution network to service wholesalers, who in turn have their distribution networks to ship to retailers’ distribution networks, who sell the items at their retail stores at the end of the supply chain.

A streamlined supply chain, on the other hand, may comprise a manufacturer sending finished items to its distribution network and then onto end customers directly.

A distribution network’s location (proximity to the consumer) and infrastructure quality are two essential characteristics. A distribution center’s storage, handling and transportation operations is tailored to a company’s specific needs to service a certain geographic area. A single site — and, by implication, the whole distribution network — requires a high degree of sophistication to properly manage the flow of completed goods.

A company’s requirements for equipment, personnel, information technology systems and transportation fleets must be planned and reflect the whole distribution network. The corporation must decide whether a hub-and-spoke distribution network or a decentralized network is best for its needs.

Distribution networks are found in the post-manufacturing stage of the supply chain, where goods and services move and encompass all steps that bring finished products to customers.

Ideally, a sound distribution network improves the pace at which items reach the end consumer and create opportunities to reach new geographic regions. An effective distribution network provides the necessary capabilities to handle the logistical complexities inherent in today’s supply chains.

8 Biggest Challenges Faced In Logistics Management

Logistics are the lifeblood of every economy on the planet. The economy would collapse if trucking, shipping and warehousing businesses didn’t transport materials from suppliers to manufacturers and completed products from producers to consumers.

Logistics process management has always been a difficult endeavor, but it has grown increasingly more difficult over time. Almost every business, regardless of industry, requires the sale and acquisition of materials, commodities and other items that must be transported to a specified location. The reality is that because ecommerce is a kind of mass buying, the demand for logistics is growing. People are busy. Therefore they prefer to purchase online since it’s quick and easy.

Today's Most Pressing Logistics Management Issues

We’ve compiled a list of the most frequent issues faced by logistic management daily, along with methods for dealing with them.

Cost-Cutting In Transportation

In logistics, transportation costs are a significant factor. All freight forwarders and agents strive to get the best possible rates for the carriage of certain cargo. It is increasingly harder to cut freight costs in the face of rising fuel prices..

Managers require a clear perspective of future orders to better optimize transportation costs, which is challenging because market conditions are in flux.

Different modes of transportation are utilized to develop better techniques for filling containers to their maximum capacity. It’s time to map out the best path. Tracking shipments with logistics software can be quite beneficial. A third-country transportation agency is also an excellent alternative for smooth delivery, but it must be vetted as cost-effective.

Streamlining Business Procedures

36% of the businesses questioned strongly agreed that their 3PL partners helped them reduce costs and enhance business processes.

This implies logistics partners have the expertise and experience to go beyond supply chain and logistics operations to suggest improvements to your business.

3PLs must be financially secure, adaptable and willing to take modest risks for long term gain. Since the logistics sector is so competitive, industry benchmarking plays an important role in improving company processes.

Customer Service Improvements

Customer expectations have evolved, both in terms of delivery times and service quality. Simultaneously, markets have become more dynamic and supply chains have grown longer and more complicated. Businesses expect their logistics partners to assist them to solve problems and help you flourish in a competitive market.

This necessitates that logistics partners hire the appropriate individuals with the correct abilities and mindset. They must also work to improve and standardize the customer experience across all regions, channels and touchpoints, including in-person interactions, phone calls, online chats, emails and social media.

Increasing Supply Chain Visibility

To consistently provide accurate and on-time deliveries, logistics partners must have visibility into all areas of the supply chain.

Shipments should be tracked to verify that they follow the specified route and timetable, and notifications and alarms should be enabled in the event of delays so that immediate action may be taken. Customers must be able to get information, such as delivery alerts and ETAs, as well as track shipments.

In order to staff appropriately, logistics providers require visibility into warehouse workflows such as inventory receipt, storage, order management, fulfillment and shipment.

Lack Of Financial Data Integration

Access to supply chain financial data is critical for shippers and logistics companies to ensure smooth business operations and cash flow optimization.

Financial data integration is typically necessary for letters of credit, open accounts and freight audit payments. While there are many more financing alternatives now than ever before, double-checking freight bills has never been simple – prices are varied and confusing and carrier references aren’t always accurate. Furthermore, transportation is a cash-heavy industry. Payment delays may impact shippers. Unification of insights gleaned from financial data system integration across stakeholders’ systems results in more efficient logistics operations.


There is a significant focus on lowering emissions, largely as a result of government anti-idling and emission-reduction legislation, but also owing to public views and cost savings.

Companies may comply by optimizing their routes and loads, measuring and reporting emissions, updating their engines and using alternative fuels.

Current truck models provide the best engine performance, pollution compliance and mileage economy. These provide significant long-term benefits but come at a high initial investment. Employing a fleet management system could be considered to handle this.

Management Of The Workforce

Human resources are most valuable; however, logistics software automation can assist with certain operations. Management bears the greatest responsibility to the company’s employees. All levels of leadership demand a positive attitude and a stress-free work environment.

This can be challenging to do, especially given the dynamics of a logistics job and the fact that employees are spread out across the globe. Manpower management necessitates extreme accuracy in terms of scheduling, job duties, good communication, and supply chain operations uniformity.

Innovations In Technology

For logistics firms, adopting new and creative technological solutions has become a must. Given the scarcity of labor, fierce competition and rising consumer expectations, technological improvements can boost productivity by reducing time, costs and mistakes.

Automation systems and data-driven software solutions for advanced packaging labeling, warehouse sorting and other tasks have become essential. Companies may use systems to keep track of their shipments around the clock, get alerts and notifications, and create customized reporting. Customer experience, operational efficiency and safety can all be improved by using data analytics.

If logistics businesses stay adaptable and committed to modernizing technology, people, and processes, they can satisfy growing consumer demand while still generating profits and growth.

Top 10 Logistics Management Tips and Trends

Technology trends in supply chain management reflect ongoing technology-driven shifts in business processes. Technology enables a dynamic connection between company stakeholders and should make everyone’s job easier in the long run.

Automation in logistics processes can bring about a notable boost in performance and productivity. Keeping up with various technical developments can be challenging in the digital age, mainly because there appears to be something new at every turn. Organizations must be on their toes and keep up with the latest advancements to stay competitive in the market.

IoT (Internet of Things)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices that control and convey data over the Internet without human interaction. IoT in logistics improves inventory management performance by boosting visibility at every step of the supply chain. Combining IoT technology with logistics and supply chain increases efficiency and provides clarity, real-time visibility of stock, condition monitoring and fleet management.


In 2019, global spending on blockchain solutions was $2.7 billion USD; by 2023, this figure is predicted to reach $11.7 billion USD (DHL and Accenture, 2018). Over the last two years, blockchain has been one of the fastest-growing industry-reshaping global logistics innovations. And it shows no signs of slowing down.

As data becomes increasingly important for optimized logistics operations, the security concerns and efficiency issues connected with data processing through a 3PL increase. To meet this demand for solutions, logistics technology developments in 2022 will most likely be defined by the success of companies like Koopman Logistics, a Dutch firm that regulates car delivery logistics using the bitcoin blockchain.

Koopman is the first company to supply automobiles using a completely paperless, data-driven process (Daley, 2019). Expect more logistics companies to use blockchain procedures to save waste in 2021.


The term “automation” in distribution centers or warehouses touches everything from process to physical automation. Digitization of hand-operated methods include pick-to-light systems with workers scanning barcodes and LED lights showing the number of products for pick-up. Autonomous mobile robots working inside warehouses will become commonplace. Many business procedures will continue to be automated to varying degrees, based on their warehouse or distribution center size and volume.

Elastic Logistics

During a crisis, market inconsistencies can come to define the fate of a company. Businesses will prosper during this challenging period if their supply chains are active, prolific and reliable. Smart companies allow elastic logistic trends to emerge, expanding or contracting in response to market requirements. Elastic logistics technology enables businesses to confront unexpected problems with minimal downtime. Elastic logistics can boost your business performance.

Branded Shipping Experience

Maintaining a consistent brand identity across all customer touchpoints builds customer trust in your business and builds your credibility.

One of the most critical components of maintaining your brand identity is branding your shipping experience. When consumers receive their order in quality, branded packaging, they’ll be eager to share it on social media, which is practically free advertising for your business.

Invest in product packaging with a unique and distinguishable logo, tracking solutions, shipping labels and other changes to brand the delivery experience.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Companies can be proactive in coping with demand changes by using AI algorithms combined with machine learning. For example, managers can use AI-based forecasting systems to outline supply chain procedures and discover methods to cut costs.

Artificial intelligence in self-driving cars and smart road technologies are influencing a movement toward delivery service automation. Moreover, AI-based cognitive automation technology applies intelligence to administrative duties and accelerates data-intensive projects.

E-Commerce Logistics

Since the outbreak, as people have been isolated at home, ecommerce sales have surged. Consumers continuously look for value-added services companies and ecommerce logistics is predicted to grow to €557 billion by 2025. Soon, your transportation and distribution hubs will be optimized to specific retail partners. They will provide picking, packaging, shipping and even real-time updates, thanks to ecommerce logistics. One of the most crucial aspects of ecommerce logistics is digital fulfillment, ensuring that customers’ products arrive at their intended location.

Cross Border Logistics

The number of people shopping for products on an international scale has increased because of flexible shipping options, payment methods and selection.

As a result, interest in cross-border logistics has grown. One of the most significant benefits of offering international shipping is the potential to access new clients and markets which boosts your bottom line.


In 2022, one intriguing supply chain trend that will enhance warehouse worker efficiency is gamification. Gamification allows employees to compete healthily by incorporating digital tools into real-world warehouse processes. This technology can improve your employee’s efficiency, agility and develop new skills. It also allows businesses to give employees bragging rights for completing interactive tasks. This trend has the potential to motivate people to work smarter.

Big Data

Multiple logistics firms leverage data collecting, analysis and demand forecasting to improve their performance and cut costs. Sensors are being used to capture data on speed, braking, location, idling time and monitoring of maintenance issues like tire pressure and battery strength. Such information can be used to execute preventative maintenance procedures on cars to extend their overall life, reduce fuel consumption and optimize routes.

What is Logistics Management Software?

Logistics management software (LMS) simplifies logistics operations by refining the production cycle and making it easier to access important information quickly. Logistics management software helps businesses manage the various processes that go into the production cycle from the delivery of raw materials to shipping the finished products to consumers.

Logistics management software is a tool that helps companies manage their logistics with greater efficiency. It brings together all the information related to logistics and makes it much more accessible across the organization.

LMS comprises several modules, each dedicated to specific stages of the supply chain process. Over the last few years, the scope of LMS has been expanded. This is a direct result of more and more companies adopting the omnichannel fulfillment approach.

Today, most LMS perform the following functions:

  • Customer request processing
  • Purchase order processing
  • Inventory management
  • Supplier management
  • Sales and distribution

Logistics Management Software Advantages

Cost Reduction

The only thing that is costlier than logistics management is logistics mismanagement. This is because at any given moment, there are several dozen moving parts that call for continuous monitoring. If any of these go awry, the entire system can potentially come to a grinding halt.

With the help of an LMS, a company can track every aspect of the supply chain in real-time. This helps predict and mitigate problems before they grow big enough to cause any real damage to the production process.

Moreover, with the help of LMS, companies choose the right transportation method for their products by comparing costs and services from different operators. All of this goes a long way in making logistics more cost-efficient.

Risk Management

Risk management is arguably one of the most important functions of running a business. You can predict a lot about a company’s growth from their risk management strategies.

Logistics management software often includes a risk management module. The module provides companies with the necessary foresight to tackle any potential threat to the movement of raw materials and products.

A risk management module also sends alerts related to insurance claims, fire and safety mechanisms and other important safety exercises. Through all of this, it ensures that the company always stays protected against any unwarranted mishaps and that the supply chain functions smoothly, come what may.


In today’s rapidly changing world, scalability is a vital weapon to have in your arsenal. When a company is flexible enough to adapt to the fluctuations in the market, it is able to survive longer during the lows and grow stronger during the highs.

When a company handles their logistics with the help of an LMS, they can scale up their operations quickly and efficiently. The software can analyze given datasets and provide valuable insights into what needs to be done in order to ramp up production.

Customer Support

Very few things in the world can beat the joy you get from hearing how much your customers enjoy using your products. Good reviews don’t come as easily as it sounds.

Companies that invest a sizable amount of their funds and energy into making their customers feel valued and attended to are much more likely to enjoy low customer churn. A logistics management software helps companies set up crucial customer support tools such as chatbots and virtual assistants.

These tools help companies understand the customer experience and sort out any concerns they may have about the product or service.

Choosing The Right Logistics Management Software

Logistics management is defined as the aspect of the supply chain process that supports the implementation and controls the adequate storage and flow of services and goods. It has to meet all customer requirements from source to destination.

Logistics management software should also offer to support a wide range of transportation options and offer to improve the overall customer experience. Well-designed software can renew the ecosystem of dispatchers, manufacturers, transport providers and freight operators.

Top notch logistics management is essential in today’s competitive world. The success of an enterprise depends on internal efficiencies and delighted customers. And keep in mind that more and more companies are building their brand in the global market.

Here’s how to pick the right logistics management software:

It should offer robust order management

An all-inclusive logistics software should be capable of processing orders which is the first concern of operation managers. Having logistic software that can manage orders from a centralized location dramatically simplifies the work of operations managers. It is an essential feature because the software will meet the diverse needs of customers and consignments required by supply chain organizations.

It should support supply chain analytics

Have you ever considered having logistics software with analytic capabilities? If not, now is the opportunity to integrate analytics into your organization and make a significant difference. This functionality is able to extract crucial data for process evaluation and reporting.

Create effective strategies based on data provided by analytics tools. Business intelligence and analytics will shed light on the logistics industry’s most significant difficulties and prepare your team for any unforeseen risks that may arise.

Contemplate connectivity

The matter of how well or poorly your new logistics technology interfaces with your tech stack does not end with the elimination of Shadow IT. It’s one of the most crucial requirements for evaluating new technology.

Let’s imagine you’re trying to improve container loading and unloading with a new digital solution. You’ll want to see a diagram of the best stock organization within a unit but also how container space can be organized in real-time.

Include optimization tools in the logistics management system

As a logistics company owner the most important goal is to convey items for the least amount of money. In logistic software, logistics and transportation tools are a much-needed component. They can solve supply chain concerns and ensure that your company is compliant with all applicable national norms and legislation. Also look for features that schedule appointments, provide freight management services, manage yards and keeps track of fuel costs.

Join your solution with your long-term goals

It’ll be time to perform some little less quantitative soul searching as a firm after you’ve answered the technical questions we posted above. Consider where you want your company to be in a year. How about three years? Ten years? The answers to these questions will assist you in evaluating the numerous options available to you.

For example, if Logistics 4.0 skills or the capacity to communicate with Industry 4.0-enabled clients are essential to you, be sure your software can handle them.

Similarly, if you want to take a more holistic approach to transportation management, where route and tour planning, inventory management and other related tasks are all managed in concert, make sure your selected solution can integrate these particular processes.

Complete visibility for support strategy planning

Any asset tracking and logistics enterprise management solution must be able to manage warehouse operations. When you own a logistics company, you have to interact with many different drivers and customers regularly. A mobile app can track the whereabouts of shipments and keep stakeholders informed.

Know your current IT

Let’s start by considering why you are in the market for a logistics solution. Presumably, it’s because your existing IT environment isn’t satisfying your current or predicted future needs. In the early days of the Logistics 4.0 era, some firms discovered that their software solutions lacked the analytical capabilities they needed to extract value from their data streams.

Some companies may find it challenging to start with centralizing data streams. Take a close look at your current software program and identify the flaws and the strengths.

Can it forecast your needs?

The requirement of the hour is a well-integrated logistics software system. Forecasting tools are a must if you want to stay one step ahead of your competition. It anticipates consumer needs, allowing you to schedule production accordingly. It can also regulate the need to buy more raw materials, potentially decreasing storage needs and costs.

What is Supply Chain Management?

The term supply chain management (SCM) refers to the entire journey of a product. It begins with the procurement of raw materials and ends with delivery of the finished product to the customer.

Supply chain management is the process of planning and executing every step of the supply chain to ensure high efficiency. It is one of the most crucial aspects of running a product-based business.

The supply chain management process for every company is unique, as it depends on the structure of the organization and their manufacturing process requirements. A standard SCM includes managing activities like keeping an eye on raw material sources, logistics providers, distribution partners and end users.

SCM is a process that can make or break a company, especially one that is heavily reliant on producing quality products in a cost-efficient manner. To understand what SCM is, let’s take a look at an example:

A fabric company produces different types of bed sheets. For this, the company will source the yarn and dyes from several suppliers. This is where the supply chain of the company begins. Once the raw materials are procured, bedsheet production begins inside the textile factory.

Fresh bed sheets are produced and stored in a company’s warehouse, from where they are delivered to retail distributors, show rooms and to end consumers. The entire product journey is made possible by effective and efficient supply chain management.

What is Logistics Management?

The term logistics refers to the process of moving and storing raw materials as well as finished products. Logistics management involves planning and executing logistics in order to achieve a highly efficient supply chain.

Some of the key components of logistics management are warehouse management, inventory management, order fulfillment, demand planning and transport management. Efficient logistics management ensures that raw materials and products move swiftly along the supply chain and that the management always has a bird’s eye view of operations.

Supply Chain Management vs Logistics: Similarities and Differences

Similarities Differences
SCM and logistics both contribute to streamlining the flow of goods and information. SCM covers a variety of functions while logistics are specifically part of supply chain management.
Both contribute towards driving higher customer satisfaction. Logistics management is mainly focussed on efficiently delivering finished goods to end consumers. SCM is focused on strengthening company processes.
Effectively managing both results in higher profit margins and increased efficiencies. Logistics as a concept is quite ancient, while supply chain is a modern, holistic idea.

Why Successful ecommerce Businesses Use Logistics Service Providers

There might be an overwhelming number of elements to consider whether an ecommerce business is just getting started or seeking to expand. Product development, social media, marketing, customer service are just a few of the important considerations for the success of any business.

With so much to think about, it’s easy to miss one of the most crucial aspects: logistics or ecommerce logistics. Customers will find someone else who can get a product to them when they need it if a firm can’t get it to them when they want it. In an ecommerce-dominated world, the consumer always has a choice.

The number of ecommerce business transactions are gaining on brick-and-mortar with every passing year. Logistics service providers are a crucial aspect that has a considerable impact on the performance of online businesses. The supply chain management business has grown more competitive than ever for traditional logistics service providers, thanks to the entry of big ecommerce marketplace players.

You’ll need to learn about logistics if you’re running an ecommerce business. Back-end supply chain management is also essential to a successful ecommerce business. You must rely on third parties to store and deliver your products because you don’t have a physical storefront to hold inventory. It is critical for fundamental time management — as well as to the bottom line of your business.

Here are some points that justify why successful ecommerce businesses use logistics service providers

Assures long-term success

Growth necessitates the use of a dependable logistics provider. Company owners are discovering that fulfilling and shipping orders for themselves is unworkable in the long term. Also, hidden costs like warehousing procurement, labor, high shipping rates, shipping insurance and packing materials eat into profits and limit your ability to expand.

You can free up crucial time to spend on other profit-driving responsibilities like marketing, customer engagement and product development by transferring costly and time-consuming logistics management tasks to a 3PL firm.

Localizing inventory

Orders were fulfilled from a small number of regional warehouses during the 10-day shipping age. Because of today’s shorter shipping cycles, retailers are distributing their inventory and keeping their products in smaller warehouses closer to population areas to cut delivery times. It also allows them to employ local and public carriers, as well as other possibilities not available when transporting longer distances. Local distribution solutions are frequently less expensive.

Partner networks

The best logistics service providers offer a wide range of partners and integrations that can assist with every facet of ecommerce logistics. It allows them to deliver a complete ecommerce solution. These partners are experts in logistics-related duties like inventory and order management, returns management and custom packaging. Only the proper third-party logistics provider will maintain good relationships with giant shipping carriers. Established 3PLs can leverage bulk shipping discounts.


Meeting the demand for two-day delivery necessitates automation. Customers are notified when there are delays in the supply chain by automated systems. When inventory levels drop, robotic warehouses can automatically arrange orders, preventing missed sales. Soon, automated delivery vehicles and drones are projected to become widespread.

Although automation requires an initial investment, it will increase efficiencies and give a high long-term return on investment.

Handling returns

Customers may be dissatisfied with their purchase and wish to return or swap products and this process is known as reverse logistics. In ecommerce, since customers can only view, feel, or try on their goods once they are delivered, returns and exchanges can account for more than 25% of sales. The expenses and methods for managing reverse logistics with the same attention as the first purchase must be calculated into the ecommerce logistics budget and strategy.

Logistics Management FAQs

What is logistics management?

Logistics management is an aspect of supply chain management that strives to meet customer demands via planning, implementation, coordination, movement and storage of relevant information, services and goods from the source to the destination.

What is supply chain management?

Supply chain management is the combined method of planning, implementing and controlling the information flow, materials and services from the raw materials until the finished goods are distributed to the customer.

What is the difference between supply chain management and logistics management?

Supply chain management focused on the product journey from shipment to delivery. Logistics management is a subset of supply chain management and it specifically focuses on the delivery of goods.

What are the top logistics and supply chain trends?

  • Same day delivery
  • Amazon will grow its shipping fleet
  • Employee engagement and efficiency will give you a competitive advantage
  • Supply chain optimization automates additional manual processes