
30 July, 2023

Cin7 Core Enhancements | 30th July, 2023

FEATURES: Enable/disable loading sales for Shopify, and show ‘Awaiting approval’ products in PO Summary/Details reports!

Feature 1: Shopify – Enable/disable loading sales and specify order lock date

Impact area:

Shopify integration


With this release, Cin7 Core has introduced more settings to give users control of when sales should be loaded from Shopify to Cin7 Core. Loading of sales can be entirely disabled. Additionally, users can now specify an Order lock date, a date which will be used as a cut-off point where no orders/payments should sync from Shopify to Cin7 Core. These fields are independent.


  • Active Shopify integration
  • Users will need the Integration – Shopify permission to edit settings


  • Go to Integration → Shopify → [select store] → Setup, and scroll to Integration settings.
  • Two new settings:
    • Load orders from Shopify: Enable or disable loading of orders from Shopify. When disabled, no orders from Shopify will sync to Cin7 Core and the Load orders button will be hidden on the Pending orders tab. When enabled, sales will load according to your other settings’ configuration.
    • Order lock date: The date entered in this field will be used as a cut-off point where no orders/payments before this date should automatically sync from Shopify to Cin7 Core. It is still possible to manually load orders from before this date. Payments/orders created after this date are not affected. This setting does not impact refunds, refunds for orders prior to the order lock date will work as normal.

More information:

Shopify – Integration settings

Feature 2: Purchase Order Summary and Purchase Order Details reports show products with ‘Awaiting approval’ status

Impact area:

Reports module


Previously, ‘Awaiting approval’ status was not showing in Purchase Order Summary and Purchase Order Details reports. With this release, orders that are awaiting approval to be authorized appear with this status and reports can be filtered using this status. No additional user action is required.


  • Order approval must be enabled from the General Settings
  • Purchase reporting permission is required to view reports

More information:

Purchase Order Summary

Purchase Order Details

Feature 3: WMS – Login to WMS using Face ID and fingerprint

Impact area:

WMS integration


With this release, users can use Face ID and fingerprint to log in to WMS from their device.


  • Active WMS integration

Feature 4: Shippit – Select preferred carriers/services

Impact area:

Shippit integration


Customer feedback let us know that the list shown when selecting carriers/services was too long, making it easy for a user to select the wrong service in error. With this release, we have added a setting which allows users to select their preferred carriers/services, displaying them first when selecting a carrier for shipping.


  • Shippit integration
  • Users will need the Integration – Shippit permission in order to edit settings.


  • Go to IntegrationShippit.
  • A new setting has been added, Preferred carriers/services. This searchable dropdown field lists all available carriers and services passed from Shippit to Cin7 Core.
  • Select a carrier from this list to add it as a preferred carrier. Simply press X to remove a preferred carrier from the list.
  • When selecting a carrier for shipping, preferred carriers will be displayed first.

More information:

Shippit – Integration settings

Feature 5: ShipRush – Select preferred carriers/services

Impact area:

ShipRush integration


Customer feedback let us know that the list shown when selecting carriers/services was too long, making it easy for a user to select the wrong service in error. With this release, we have added a setting which allows users to select their preferred carriers/services, displaying them first when selecting a carrier for shipping.


  • ShipRush integration
  • Users will need the Integration – ShipRush permission in order to edit settings.


  • Go to IntegrationShipRush.
  • A new setting has been added, Preferred carriers/services. This searchable dropdown field lists all available carriers and services passed from ShipRush to Cin7 Core.
  • Select a carrier from this list to add it as a preferred carrier. Simply press X to remove a preferred carrier from the list.
  • When selecting a carrier for shipping, preferred carriers will be displayed first.

More information:

ShipRush – Integration settings