
08 January, 2023

Cin7 Core Enhancements | 8th January, 2023

Feature 1: Differentiate customer bulk payments by source channel

Impact area:

Sales module


Currently, users can apply bulk payments for multiple sales via DEAR web portal by searching a customer’s name from the Bulk Payments feature. Large customer payments can be distributed amongst unpaid invoices, or the entire outstanding balance can be paid at once.

Previously to this release, it was not possible to differentiate between payments due from B2B sales, POS sales, Shopify sales, or other sales channels. With this release, users will be able to see the sales channel of a sale before applying payments.


  • Customer has at least one payment due
  • Users will need the Sales: Customer Payment permission in order to use this feature.


  • Go to Sales → Bulk Payment → Select customer, Select the Period you would like to view, and click Show Due Invoice. All due and overdue invoices will be shown.
  • A new column is available, Sales Channel, which shows where the sale originated.
  • Select a Payment Date.
  • Select the Account to which the payment has been made.
  • Provide a Reference (optional).
  • Enter the Amount to be paid by the customer. The total outstanding amount is shown at the bottom of the table of outstanding invoices.
  • To manually specify which invoices are paid, click the Pay Amount field for each invoice and enter the amount. The remaining unallocated payment is shown to the top right of the table.
  • Click Pay to confirm the payment.

More information:

Customer bulk payments


Feature 2: Search by SKU or product name for stocktake in WMS application

Impact area:

WMS application


With this release, DEAR has added a search field to WMS stocktake where products can be searched by SKU and product name.


  • No user action is required.

More information:

Using the Cin7 Core Warehouse Management System


Feature 3: Edit and/or delete payment profiles in Authorize.net integration

Impact area:

Authorize.net integration


Authorize.net is a payment gateway service provider, allowing merchants to accept credit card and electronic check payments through their website and over an Internet Protocol (IP) connection. DEAR generates electronic documents (PDF, email content) to enable your customers to seamlessly pay quotes and invoices using pay links. Previously, our developers have updated the integration to allow customers to save their credit card details via Authorize.net and make payments without re-entering card details. With this release, it is now possible to edit/delete a customer profile.


  • Authorize.net integration
  • Users will need the Integration – Authorize.net user permission to access this feature.


  • When a customer makes a payment for an invoice or B2B order, Authorize.net will check if the customer email is associated with a Customer profile in Authorize.net
    • If no customer profile exists, the customer will be given the option to create one from the invoice/order checkout page. Customer can then enter card details and save them for future use.
    • If a customer profile exists, customer can choose to use previously saved details or enter new card details. Clicking on this profile allows the user to Edit or Delete a customer profile. Applied changes will be passed on to Authorize.net
  • Customer can then click Pay to complete the payment.

NOTE: No card data is stored in DEAR, all card data is stored on the Authorize.net side.

More information:



Feature 4: Create a new account in Xero from DEAR account mapping page

Impact area:

POS application


When DEAR accounts are integrated with Xero as an accounting system, some financial features are handled through Xero. Previously to this release, new accounts would have to be created in Xero then synced to DEAR before they could be used in tasks or mapped to functions. With this release, it is now possible to create new accounts in Xero from DEAR, making the process more user-friendly.


  • Xero integration


  • Go to Settings → Reference Books → Financial → Account Mapping.
  • Click + next to an account dropdown field to add a new account in Xero. You will need to specify Account Type, Account Name, an Account Code and an optional Description. You can also select to show this account for expense claims and whether the account accepts payments.
  • Save your changes to finish.

More information:

Xero – Setting up accounts in Xero


Feature 5: ShipRush integration – shipping service only (get estimated shipping rates and print shipping labels from DEAR)

Impact area:

New integration


ShipRush is a multi-carrier shipping solution for ecommerce businesses. With this release, DEAR now supports integration with ShipRush as a shipping service, where shipping rate estimations and shipping label printing is available via DEAR.


  • User should be using DEAR for packing and shipping.
  • ShipRush account settings currency MUST match with DEAR base currency, set via Settings → General Settings.
  • ShipRush account settings units MUST match with DEAR default units, set via Settings → General Settings.
  • Setting up addresses in DEAR in settings
  • Setting up product dimensions in settings
  • User will need the following permissions:
    • Shipping Services → ShipRush permission enabled to access the integration settings.
    • Sale → Sale Task – Pack view: Sales List & Tasks permission to enter package information and shipping instructions.
    • Sale → Sale Task – Ship view: Sales List & Tasks permission is required to generate the shipping label.


  • See documentation for integration instructions.

More information:

ShipRush (shipping service)


Feature 6: POS application search returns searched contact rather than default contact

Impact area:

POS application


Previously, when searching for a customer with multiple contacts, the default contact would be returned even if the details (email etc.) were from another contact. With this release, the searched contact will be returned with the customer rather than the default contact.


  • POS application


  • No user action is required.


Feature 7: POS application now supports customer-facing display for iOS as well as Android devices

Impact area:

POS application


Processing a sale order at a POS terminal in most countries requires by law that the consumer should be able to clearly see the details of the price being charged for each item, including any surcharges and discounts. Currently, DEAR POS application supports using Android-based devices as a second customer-facing display.

With this release, DEAR has expanded support so that iOS devices can also be used as customer-facing displays.


  • POS application


Mobile application:

  • No additional user action is required. Connecting a display will show customer-facing information automatically.

POS web:

  • From POS web, open the main menu and select Setup.
  • Select Customer Display Setup.
  • Select Open Customer Display to open.
  • Save to finish.

More information:

Using POS – Basics (Make, Exchange, Return Sales)


Feature 8: New Shopify data retention policy will be applied to DEAR. All users will receive further information by email.

Impact area:

Shopify integration, sales module


DEAR by Cin7 has been serving the community since 2012. We work hard to update our systems and integration services and try to be flexible with our policies as well, for the betterment of all parties involved.

In this regard, we would like to announce a new Shopify Data Retention policy that DEAR by Cin7 has to comply with, as Shopify improves its integration with our own and other systems to accommodate the changing times.

The new Shopify Data Retention Policy can be found here. This improvement refers to Level 1  Requirements point 8 and is stated below:

Apply retention periods to make sure that personal data isn’t kept for longer than needed.

Personal data must not be kept longer than necessary for the stated processing purposes. Retaining personal data longer than necessary increases the security risk of unauthorized access or inappropriate processing.

To comply with Shopify Data Retention Policy, we are implementing an automated process that will remove confidential data from Shopify sales 30 days after they are loaded into DEAR by Cin7 and replace them with the text that says ‘Removed by Shopify’.

Records covered under this policy will include all Shopify sales with shipment dates that fall 30 days or more in the past, or 30 days from sale date in case of drop ship sales.

The following confidential data are covered:

In Sales records:

  • Contact, Phone, Billing address, Shipping address
  • Email

In Customer records:

  • Address fields
  • Contact name
  • Phone and Email fields will be cleared.

We regret any inconvenience this new Shopify Retention Policy may create, but we trust that you will make the necessary adjustments in your processes to accommodate these changes.

More information:

Shopify data retention policy