
10 March, 2024

Cin7 Omni Enhancements | 10th March, 2024

Warehouse Management (WMS)

Rack products to no location in WMS

Reset your WMS product locations by racking products to No Location. This could be useful if you have missing products (no longer in their former location). You can then view all your products in No Location.


Stock levels from multiple branches show correct available stock

We have increased the accuracy of our stock display on your B2B online store.
Previously, the B2B online store showed incorrect available stock levels for some products. This affected products with stock levels from multiple branches (Display Stock From).
Now, branches with negative available stock are included in the available stock calculation for your B2B online store.

Integrations (Cin7 API)

Sales Order and Product to expose UOM in the payload

We have added fields to better support alternative unit of measurement (UOM) products.

Please refer to our API documentation for the details of these new fields.

SalesOrder endpoint: SalesOrderItem collection ProductOptions endpoint: UomOption collection
UomPrice Id
UomQtyOrdered ProductOptionId
UomQtyShipped Code
UomSize Option1

Searching for specific categories does not work correctly on Products Endpoint

You can now filter products by product category in the Product endpoint. Our API documentation explains how you can use the where parameter.

Hide usernames, keys and tokens
To improve Cin7 Omni security, all API usernames, keys, and tokens are now hidden by default. You can still choose to show the information if you need to check your setup.