
11 February, 2024

Cin7 Omni Enhancements | 11th February, 2024

Warehouse Management (WMS)

Packing improvements

  • We have made several improvements to our Warehouse Management System (WMS):
  • Packing now shows the Stock on hand (SOH) if Picking is disabled
  • When a product is scanned, its batch number appears automatically in Packing.
  • Packing shows the locations for available stock and packed items.
  • Search for products by their batch or serial numbers.


New Insights report: Production Job by Completed Date

We have a new report to help you track your manufacturing process. With our new report, Production Job by Completed Date, you can review all upcoming and past production jobs. Spot slipping deadlines, and observe patterns in your production job completion dates.

Cin7 Omni home page dashboard

We have updated our Cin7 Omni home page dashboard. Now, you can easily view the homepage on a range of devices, and our graphs have an improved display on larger screens.

Accounting and Automation Bot

Sales order reference prefix

We have improved the references for sales orders created by Quad Accounting and the Purchase Order from Another Account automation bot. The sales order reference now has the prefix from the Invoice Prefix field in the Admin Accounting Settings. Previously, these sales orders had the prefix SO-.

Sales Orders

Available balance

You can see a customer’s available credit in sales orders. This helps prevent selling beyond a customers credit limit. The available credit is the customer’s credit limit minus the balance owing. You will need an accounting integration to see the available credit.